
Showing posts from February, 2018

Do you feel hurt by someone?

Do you feel hurt by someone? We all do and today this question has been very alive for me.  We all know how it feels and what it does to people. it’s because someone said something to us: either they insulted us, or rejected us, or judged us, or ignored us, or differed with us in some way.  It almost feels like a linear equation that someone does something hurtful and the other person feels hurt. The reality is few of us were raised to honour who we authentically are. Most of us were raised to honour what others thought of us over our own opinion of ourselves. What if we realized that all of this is a lie?  What if we understood that our deepest self is essentially always pure and worthy – no matter what other’s say about us.  What if we understood that it is no one’s job to understand or know or approve of us but ourselves? What if we simply realized that while everyone has their right to their opinion about us, this has nothing to do with us and only to do with them – thei


13 METALS AND NON-METALS 1. Elements are classified into two kinds – metals and non-metals. 2. Physical properties of metals : (1) Metals have a lustre. (2) They are malleable and ductile. (3) Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity. (4) At normal temperature, metals are generally solids. (5) Metals usually have high density. 3. Physical properties of non-metals : (1) Non-metals lack lustre. (2) Non-metals are not malleable and ductile. (3) They are poor conductors of heat and electricity. (4) At normal temperature, non-metals are in the solid or gaseous states. (Bromine is in liquid state.) (5) Non-metals have low density. 4. Chemical properties of metals : (1) Metals combine with oxygen in the air to form their metal oxides. When magnesium burns in air, it combines with oxygen to form magnesium oxide. 2Mg_O _ IIIIIIIJ 2MgO (2) The oxides of metals are alkaline in nature. 5. The action of acids on metals : Place a magnesium