
Showing posts from January, 2018

Animal husbandry

18. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY ANIMAL HUSBANDRY  points to remember : 1. Animal husbandry is the science which deals with the scientific ways of uses, rearing, tending and breeding animals. Man uses animals for food and several other purposes. 2. Uses of animals : (1) Food : Milk and meat. (2) Farm work : Help in the farm work which involves physical labour. (3) Fuels : Cattle-dung pats and biogas. (4) Manure and fertilizer : Cattle-dung, sheep droppings, etc. (5) Skins of dead animals (Hides) : Useful articles are made from hides such as purses, belts, water skins, horse’s harness, footwear, garments. (6) Bones : Fertilizers, bone meal, needles, combs, ornamental articles are made from bones of animals. Bone marrow is used to make glue or gelatin. (7) Cords made from intestines : (a) Stitching the surgical wounds (b) Strings of string (musical) instruments. (8) Hair : For making paint brushes (9) Fat : Fat is used as food, besides making soaps,