
Showing posts from 2018

The Missing Goat, "Goat no 3"... wonderful story,

The Missing Goat, "Goat no 3"... wonderful story, It all started one lazy Sunday afternoon in a small town near Toronto in Canada. Two school-going friends had a crazy idea. They rounded up three goats from the neighborhood and painted the numbers 1, 2 and 4 on their sides. That night they let the goats loose inside their school building. The next morning, when the authorities entered the school, they could smell something was wrong. They soon saw goat droppings on the stairs and near the entrance and realized that some goats had entered the building. A search was immediately launched and very soon, the three goats were found. But the authorities were worried, where was goat No. 3? They spent the rest of the day looking for goat No.3. The school declared classes off for the students for the rest of the day. The teachers, helpers, guards, canteen staffs, boys were all busy looking for the goat No. 3, which, of course, was never found. Sim

There Is No Dark Side of the Moon

To many folks, the phrase “dark side of the moon” suggests there’s a place you could go to on the moon which is perpetually cloaked in darkness. This is incorrect! Let’s ignore lunar eclipses for now. With that exception, sunlight is always falling on some part of the moon. The amount of moon that receives sunlight is roughly one-half, but that doesn’t mean that any given part of the moon is always dark or light. It’s like saying “half the people on earth are always asleep.” That may be so, but it doesn’t mean the same people never wake up. The sun’s light goes around the moon as the moon spins, just as it does the earth. As the moon orbits the earth, the illumination from the sun gradually slides in and out of our view. Depending on the positions of the moon and sun, we on earth see the moon as waxing, full, or waning. During a new moon, the moon looks completely dark from earth. But that’s just because the light is now falling entirely on the other side. Another thing that co
I’m Slowly Learning That :- I Don’t Have To React To 'Everything' That Bothers Me. I’m Slowly Learning That :- I don’t have to hurt those who hurt me . I’m Slowly Learning That :- Maybe the 'ultimate' sign of maturity is walking away instead of getting even. I’m Slowly Learning That :- The energy it takes to react to every bad thing that happens to you drains you and stops you from seeing the other good things in life. I’m Slowly Learning That :- I’m not going to be everyone’s cup of tea. I’m Slowly Learning That :- I won’t be able to get everyone to treat me the way I want to be treated. I’m Slowly Learning That :- Trying so hard to ‘ win’ anyone is just a 'waste' of time and energy and it fills you with 'nothing' but emptiness. I’m Slowly Learning That :- Not reacting doesn’t mean I’m okay with things, It just means I’m choosing to 'rise' above it . I’m Slowly Learning That :- Sometimes ' not' saying anythi

The Silent Retreat

Four Monks Decided to Meditate Silently Without Speaking for Two Weeks. They began with enthusiasm and no one said a word the whole day. By nightfall of the first day, the candle began to flicker and then went out. The First Monk Blurted out,  "Oh, No! The Candle Is Out." The Second Monk Said, "Hey! We are Not Supposed to Speak!" The Third Monk said in an Irritated Voice, "What Is This? Why Did You Two Break the Silence?" The Fourth Monk Smiled and said, "Wow! I'm the Only One Who Hasn't Spoken." ~ Reflections: Each Monk Broke the Silence for a Different Reason, Each Of Which is a Common Stumbling Block in our Inner Journey: Distraction, Judgement, Anger and Pride. The First Monk Got Distracted by One Aspect of his Experience (the Candle) and Forgot what was more Important - The Practice of Witnessing Without Reacting. The Second Monk was more Worried About Others Following the Rules than in Actually Practicing Himsel

Do you feel hurt by someone?

Do you feel hurt by someone? We all do and today this question has been very alive for me.  We all know how it feels and what it does to people. it’s because someone said something to us: either they insulted us, or rejected us, or judged us, or ignored us, or differed with us in some way.  It almost feels like a linear equation that someone does something hurtful and the other person feels hurt. The reality is few of us were raised to honour who we authentically are. Most of us were raised to honour what others thought of us over our own opinion of ourselves. What if we realized that all of this is a lie?  What if we understood that our deepest self is essentially always pure and worthy – no matter what other’s say about us.  What if we understood that it is no one’s job to understand or know or approve of us but ourselves? What if we simply realized that while everyone has their right to their opinion about us, this has nothing to do with us and only to do with them – thei


13 METALS AND NON-METALS 1. Elements are classified into two kinds – metals and non-metals. 2. Physical properties of metals : (1) Metals have a lustre. (2) They are malleable and ductile. (3) Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity. (4) At normal temperature, metals are generally solids. (5) Metals usually have high density. 3. Physical properties of non-metals : (1) Non-metals lack lustre. (2) Non-metals are not malleable and ductile. (3) They are poor conductors of heat and electricity. (4) At normal temperature, non-metals are in the solid or gaseous states. (Bromine is in liquid state.) (5) Non-metals have low density. 4. Chemical properties of metals : (1) Metals combine with oxygen in the air to form their metal oxides. When magnesium burns in air, it combines with oxygen to form magnesium oxide. 2Mg_O _ IIIIIIIJ 2MgO (2) The oxides of metals are alkaline in nature. 5. The action of acids on metals : Place a magnesium